Sentiment Analyers#

Sentiment analysis (also known as opinion mining or emotion AI) is the use of natural language processing, text analysis, computational linguistics, and biometrics to systematically identify, extract, quantify, and study affective states and subjective information. (source: Wikipedia)


Sentiment analysis refers to the method to extract subjectivity and polarity from the text and semantic orientation refers to the polarity and strength of words, phrases, texts.

A sentence is said to be subjective if it contains non-factual information. A sentence is objective if it contains facts rather than opinions.

Polarity of a text is given by a decimal (float) value in the range of [-1,1]. It denotes the positivity of the tone of the given sentence.

Negative Sentiment: Polarity < 0

Neutral Sentiment: Polarity =0

Positive Sentiment: Polarity >0

Lexicon Based Models#

Supervised Learning Based Models#

Section table of contents#